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ERA Meetings
The ERA hosts bi-annual meetings for our members to learn the latest developments in earthquake research and emergency preparedness from Caltech, USGS, and each other. Our next meeting will be held May 13, 2011. Register here.

ERA believes that Outreach is the fundamental mechanism to interact with the community.

The ERA is involved with outreach projects within the community, to share the new technology and information regarding earthquakes with critical users and the public. Special tours for school groups as well as tours for the general public are available.


The Seismological Laboratory is the working environment of the people who study earthquakes. The tour will visit the Exhibit Center and the Media Room. We will discuss how scientists gather information, study earthquakes, and use this information to understand our earth.

TOURS for children grades 6 and above:
Months: October through December,
February through June
Days: The first Tuesday and Thursday
of the above months
Times: 10:00am, 11:00am, 1:30pm
Reservations must be made 4-6 weeks in advance.

TOURS for the general public:
Months: October through December,
February through June
Days: The first Tuesday of the above months in conjunction with the school tours as space allows
Reservations must be made one week in advance.

Please contact the Caltech Public Relations Office for additional information about both of these tours. Request a Seismo Lab Tour reservation by email or call Kim Baker-Gatchalian at (626) 395-3809.

Click here to get Maps and Directions to Seismo Lab Tour

ERA Outreach

The ERA periodically organizes fieldtrips for its members to take them on location in order to better understand an aspect of earthquake research. Our next field trip is in the planning stages and will be announced shortly!

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